Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2010 Matadero-Madrid International Mobility Awards. Deadline: May 1, 2010

These awards, sponsored by the Art Department of the Madrid City Government, are addressed to Madrid-based artists and arts administrators looking for creative, researching and networking experiences abroad, in opportunities for cultural exchange and in promoting the international dimension of Madrid's cultural producers.

Award Period: Calendar Year 2010

Maximum Financing: 12.000 euros/award

Deadline: May 1, 2010

For complete information and application forms:


Can Serrat, Barcelona. Visual Arts Full Stipend Application Deadline: April 30, 2010

Can Serrat, located in a rustic farmhouse 45 kms. outside of Barcelona, offers an open residency opportunity within the confines of the Montserrat Natural Park.

No formal application procedure for attending. Booking depends on space availability. A number of full stipends are set aside each year for one-month residency stays.

Upcoming deadline for full stipends for visual artists: April 30, 2010

Further information: http://www.canserrat.org/

Montehermoso Art and Research Call. Deadline March 31, 2010

The Montehermoso Cultural Center located in Vitoria, Alava, presents the Art and Research call, the aim being to facilitate the production, diffusion and exhibition of contemporary art projects. Aid is offered for: the Production of contemporary art projects, Curatorship, the Research and development of a cinema script. Within the Investigation section, a minimum of one of the call aid packages will be devoted to projects relating to the development of a Feminist Art Historiography within the Spanish State.

For further information and guidelines: http://www.montehermoso.net/pagina.php?id_p=111

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

III Milenium Corporation Grants for Albacete. Deadline March 30, 2010

The III Milenium Corporation, based in Wilmington, Delaware is offering grants for emerging international artists interested in participating in the Mirador del Jucar residency program located in Manchuela, Albacete.

Number of awards: 150 - 200

Grants cover up to 90 % of the studio rental fees and 75 % of housing fees

Deadlines: March 30, June 30, September 30 and December 30, 2010

More information: http://www.milenium-usa.org/esp/index_Page904.htm

New Season at the Tallers Josep Llorens Artigas

April is around the corner and the Fundación J. Llorens Artigas, located in El Racó - Gallifa, Barcelona offers residency opportunities for ceramicists and sculptors for two week to up to a 6-month period through October 2010.

For more information about the foundation, its facilities and price information:


IX International Artist in Residency Call for Young Artists: Deadline: May 15, 2010

The Fundación Antonio Gala para Jóvenes Creadores, with the sponsorship of the Fundación CajaSur, announces it's IX international call for young artists interested in participating in its 2010-2011 residency program in Córdoba, Spain.

Number of awards: 21

Applicants: must be Spanish-speaking and between the ages of 18 and 25.

Period: 9 months beginning October 2010

Financial Benefits: Room and board, materials allowance and studio space

Deadline: May 15, 2010

For further information and application procedures:


Thursday, March 11, 2010

One-month international artist residency opportunity in Barcelona

Learn more about this international artists in residence program located in the heart of Barcelona, near the Montjuic Park and a 10-minute walk from the historic center.

Founders Olivier Collet and Jérôme Lefaure share their loft to emerging artists interested in developing their creative work and show their creations in Barcelona. Congratulations for getting off to such an impressive start!

Contact information and more details: http://www.homesession.org/01_philosophy/candidResid.php

Hangar.org, Barcelona - Studio Rentals. March and April, 2010 deadlines

Artists or groups who occasionally need a studio for developing projects or specific commissions, artists who are starting out and need a studio (for up to two years) or artists moving to Barcelona on a temporary basis.

Hangar does not currently award grants to overseas artists travelling to Barcelona. All artists, of any nationality, may apply to work in one of Hangar’s studios. Travel expenses and accommodation in Barcelona, as well as the cost of studio rental must be met by the artist.

Studios available for 136.05 euros /month (2009 rate including tax)

- One 30 sq. meter studio - April/May 2010 - deadline: March 19, 2010
- One 30 sq. meter studio - May to August - deadline: April 20, 2010

For more info.: http://hangar.org/drupal/?q=content/studio-rental